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Archive for ‘November, 2014’

“You say you wanna revolution?” The Fender Stratocaster seemed to start one with this early recording.

This Pee Wee Crayton recoding from 1954 is thought to be the first recoding using to use a Fender Stratocaster given to him by Leo Fender. Recorded on April 29th, 1954. Pee Wee took this brand new red strat to a recording studio in New Orleans and recorded “Do Unto Others.” Amazingly the opening riff should sound pretty familiar to Beatle fans. Wonder if the Beatles ever heard this?

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The real George Harrison "Rocky" Stratocaster

The real George Harrison “Rocky” Stratocaster

George Harrison “Rocky” Stratocaster Tribute project is just getting started. Ordering parts and will be getting a custom paint job to pay tribute to one of my biggest guitar heros, George Harrison. This is probably one of the most copied Stratocasters. There are some places were you can order this guitar already painted on a Squier, Fender MIM or American Stratocaster. The Fender Custom Shop has also made a version of this guitar. I even saw a company the sells a vinyl “Rocky” decal that you can apply to your Strat!

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