ProAnalog Devices – Manticore Version 2 Overdrive
ProAnalog Devices – Manticore Version 2 Overdrive
The demand for the original Manticore became so overwhelming that Scotty Smith was forced into looking for ways to increase production, and reached out to Cusack Music‘s Jon Cusack for advice on ways to re-engineer the Manticore in a way that would cut down the manufacturing process without affecting its tone. Cusack delivered, and now builds the V2 units to ProAnalog’s specs.
The waiting list for the original Manticore is pretty long as they are all handmade by Scotty. I waited about 7 or 8 months for my gold one and it was worth the wait as it is a great pedal. The Manticore 2 is a bit more mass-produced so the demand can be met and the product manufacturing can scale. Scotty added a few changes.
So how does it compare to the original Manticore? Well at first look outside and then inside it is clear that the Manticore 2 is a different pedal as way of manufacturing goes. Many changes in the way it’s made. The box itself is different as well as the finish (both my original Manticore and Manticore 2 are gold). The Manticore 2 is clearly using different surface mount components.
The original Manticore box is a bit rounder on the corners, but they are the same size and approximate weight. The finish, graphics, knobs and LED are different. The switch on the original is latching and the version 2 utilizes a momentary footswitch.

Original Manticore on left – Manticore version 2 on right
Manticore 2 has graphics on bottom.

Original Manticore on left – Manticore version 2 on right
Original Manticore came signed by Scotty Smith. The circuit board and components are quite different.

Original Manticore on left – Manticore version 2 on right

Original Manticore uses components that go three board and jacks are different than version 2

Manticore version 2 inside

Jacks are different
So how do they sound? That is what is important. Clearly these are quite different pedals in the construction and components used. I plugged these into a couple of my amps and did a side by side comparison. Both pedals sound glorious. They do sound a bit different, but similar to my ears. This could be due to the tweaks Scotty has added, especially the new Savage control knob which makes this pedal more versatile.
I am sure there will be plenty of pro demo gods out there that will do a much more extensive test that I did in the short period I have had the version 2 which I only received today. To my ears, both pedals are great.
Scotty has said that both pedals are using the same basic circuit that is based on the iconic other GOLD pedal, the Klone with added modern tweaks Scotty has incorporated into these. I think the difference is a truly handmade pedal by one guy as compared to a more mass produced version. Since it was quite hard to get your hands on the original handmade one, the Manticore version 2 is a nice to have available.
I am unsure if Scotty will continue to build the original handmade ones anymore. If you have one, might pay to hold on to it, if this pedal is something you love.
Will I keep both? Only time will tell.
From ProAnalog Devices:
Scotty’s game changing MANTICORE has been at the forefront of a re-education about guitar pedals and has truly made its mark on the guitar world by setting a whole new standard for overdrives in the market across the globe. Since its explosive release in 2017, Scotty has been determined to make his trend setting pedal even greater and, after months of tireless effort and development, the newly evolved MANTICORE version 2 is finally ready to be released and is primed to set a whole new standard for overdrives World-Wide.
MANTICORE version 2 is even more unique and tonefully versatile than ever before. It has been equipped with a broader dynamic range and gain structure that allows the player to finely tune the pedals voice and gain to suit their needs. MANTICORE version 2 can do it all from an always on lush and sparkling amp enhancer to an enormous and tonesome clean boost. With the Gain and Savage controls engaged, this harmonically rich overdrive turns into a weapon of rock delivering crunchy rhythm tones, smooth lead tones and even raging Metal tones without sacrificing clarity and touch response. The complex and rich overtones within the pedal allows the player to easily generate harmonics from the 2nd, 3rd and 5th making their guitar and amp sing smoothly into sustained and controlled feedback.
New features include:
OEM electronic true bypass soft switching circuitry design. A new control called Savage which is a unique low pass filter / bass control that adds gain, punch and fattens up your guitar signal as though you just plugged into a 4X12 cab! It’s called Savage because when you dime it, it RAGES!
Treble A dynamic treble circuit that boosts/cuts treble, and also adds/subtracts gain.
Savage A unique Low Pass filter/Bass control that fattens up your guitar tone and adds gain.
Gain This is the overdrive control, which lets you dial in the amount of clipping from the overdrive section of the circuit and is more mid-upper mid EQ focused.
Drive An input clean boost stage control that drives 3 active filter networks, including treble, high-mids, and lows. Using this control, you can dial in a clean boost tone that enhances the sound of your amp.
(TREBLE – SAVAGE – GAIN – DRIVE controls intuitively interact with each other allowing the player to creatively find their own unique sound and voice.)
MANTICORE version 2 is built to last and is available in 4 new colors;
Copper Gold – Shimmering Silver – Metallic Blue – Dark Green.
9 Volt DC standard operation only – external power or battery
2.1mm standard polarity, tip negative
Any increased DC voltage more than 9VDC, or AC voltage to powering Manticore version 2 will result in permanent damage
beyond repair and will void all warranties. “DO NOT PLUG 12VDC OR 18VDC POWER SUPPLIES INTO MANTICORE VERSION 2!”
Please check your power supply to ensure you have the right power requirements prior to operation.
All ProAnalog Devices are designed by Scotty, made in the USA and comes with a limited lifetime transferable warranty. (Some restrictions do apply) ProAnalog Devices LLC. Merrillville, Indiana USA