Another great pedal from Tavo Vega, the Detroit Casket Fluid Drive™ is a low gain to almost medium overdrive with unique original gain staging that keeps the guitar nice and clear in the mix. EQ is very flat/neutrally transparent (lays inside almost underneath the fundamental guitar signal, fluid!) and yet can color the gain w great versatility. Can take any pedal in front of it, loves to be stacked. Used AFTER my Mystery Brain or my Atomic Brain pedals it pushes my amp a bit to get the small amount of grit even at low volumes.

I would compare it to my Timmy pedal which some call a transparent overdrive. That is a catch word, but describes an overdrive that allows your guitar to sound like YOUR guitar and your amp to sound like YOUR amp, if that makes sense.

Utilizing cut style EQ controls and a generous gain boost with very dynamic asymmetric clipping. Works well with semi-hollow body/hollow body guitars just as well solid body guitars.